Our Clients



Our Clients

Donor Expererince Partners (DXP) works with a wide range of nonprofits including social services, religious, arts, education, healthcare and more. DXP recognizes the unique needs of each nonprofit and can customize their Donor Experience Assessments for their particular needs.

“When using the Donor Experience Survey, we were able to segment our donor base, allowing us to see the differences in experience between our high-end and capital donors and annual donors. The survey data confirmed that our focused efforts on current parents and parents of the alumni were productive. I believe that the survey provided a new opportunity for critical donors to partner in our mission at the conclusion of our capital campaign. I would like to use the findings and recommendations to encourage development staff to continue to engage in their successful practices and address the inquiries and suggestions that surfaced in donors’ responses.”

Mary Beth Riley

Head of School, Notre Dame High School
San Jose, California

“The Donor Experience Survey gave us the opportunity to hear from our donors, to learn from them, and to create a plan to move forward. Responses indicated that individuals resonated with and affirmed the direction of the Sisters as they work toward the SNJM mission. Many expressed gratitude for their education and for the continuing prayers of the Sisters. While their responses were affirming for us, donors also suggested areas on which we could focus our efforts moving into the future. The information from this survey helps us create a future-plan for SNJM Advancement.”

Sister Kathryn Ondreyco, SNJM

Development Director California Region
Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus & Mary

Sarah Harris

Director of Advancement, U.S.- Ontario Province
Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary

“Our Board was really appreciative of the logical and systematic approach DXP took in focusing on key areas of the donor experience. They were able to absorb the quantitative metrics along with the personal comments we received from our donors in a way that helped them see a bigger picture. They honed in on how well we were doing in some areas, and where the opportunities for improvement were with certain segments.”

Matt M. Morrow

Executive Artistic Director – Diversionary Theatre

“The donor survey was so comprehensive and useful!  What great information for us to have. Thank you, Donor Experience Partners, for implementing the survey and preparing the results and recommendations for us.”

Bridget de la Garza

Board Member, Survivors of Torture, International

“In the middle of strategic planning during my first year as executive director, DXP’s survey helped me understand where our theater’s audiences and donor’s stood. I can now confidently lead our organization in strategic conversations for the future.”

Armando Huipe

Executive Director – Skylight Theatre Company

“It exceeded my expectations of what we could learn from our donors with a few gentle invitations. I found the various comparisons and groupings of donor responses very interesting and challenging/provocative. Your report made clear that there are some basic things we can do to elevate the donor experience. It was really helpful.”

Fr. Tom H. Smolich, SJ

International Director – Jesuit Refugee Service

“As someone who has served on non-profit boards for many years, and as a former university vice president responsible for a $400 million comprehensive campaign, I’ve had a lot of experience with fundraising consultants. Some come in and do nothing more than borrow your watch to tell you what time it is. Donor Experience Partners (DXP) is just the opposite. Working with National Catholic Reporter (NCR), they listened carefully to our desire to understand our donors better and engage with them more effectively. Then they crafted an excellent survey that combined some of their standard questions with others that customized the results for NCR. Finally, they met with staff and the Board Development committee to review the results and discuss their recommendations. DXP has an excellent understanding of the nonprofit world and the importance of striving for excellence in fundraising. I highly recommend them. ”

Jim Purcell

Board Member, National Catholic Reporter
Former Vice President of University Relations, Santa Clara University

“Donor Experience Partner’s (DXP) did an outstanding job creating and managing a Donor Experience Assessment for my client, Sunnyvale Community Services (SCS). The assessment provided “hard facts” about what the donors felt with regards to organizational communication, personal recognition and engagement as well as their intent to support SCS in the future. DXP provided a thorough summary of the donor voices in both quantitative and qualitative ways. Based on what the donors shared in the survey, DXP provided insightful recommendations all of which are perfectly suited for action steps to improve the work SCS is doing.

I believe that DXP’s approach to gathering donor opinions in a comprehensive and focused way is a great tool and I will continue to use in my fundraising consulting practice at Netzel Grigsby Associates (NGA).”

John Jepsen, CFRE

Vice President, Netzel Grigsby Associates

“Donor Experience Partners provided us with invaluable insights into our donors. We were able to quickly understand what we were doing right, and where we needed to adjust communication and connection with key donor categories. That allowed us to tailor our donor outreach in ways that were most satisfying to donors, made them really feel like a part of our mission, and helped them see specifically how their contributions kept us growing. Our efforts are much more effective.”

Joe Ferullo

CEO and Publisher, National Catholic Reporter

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